Monday, January 17, 2011


Maria had walked into the locker room with her press credentials minutes after the game with the Minnesota Vikings. Was she bold or just naive? Most women reporters either waited until they thought the players had showered to invade their domain or they waited patiently outside in the interview area. The players, in various stages of undress, hastily scrambled to cover themselves. Even the ones just stepping out of the shower. Everyone except Damon Duquesne, who had made the game-winning touchdown in the last thirty seconds of the fourth quarter. As the reporters and camera crews converged upon him, he continued toweling off his almost perfectly sculpted body.

"I'm so sick of all the post-game questions," he thought. "Maybe, I'll just be rude today." His full frontal nudity was ignored by the other all-male reporters and camera crews.

"OK, you ignorant jackass, I'll play your game," Maria thought as she pushed her way to the front of the crowd. "I'll be damned if I'll miss another of their gutsy and spontaneous remarks these jocks give immediately after a game. I'm tired of the sanitized, well thought-out replies I get when I wait outside the dressing room until I get the "all clear."

Standing in front of Damon, notepad in hand; she tried hard to ignore his male member which seemed to be on the verge of flowering to its full glory. "With thirty seconds left in the game, what were your thoughts as you sprinted to the end zone with the Viking's best defensive player Carl Joseph breathing down your neck?" Did you think you would make it?" She knew he was enjoying her discomfort as he refused the dry towel offered by Jeff Samuels, the team quarterback.

The wide receiver's gray eyes sparkled, no twinkled. Deliberately playing with her, he pretended to ponder her question. After what seemed like a light year, he finally responded: "I had a good momentum going and I also knew I had the moves to fake Joseph out of position. He's a great linebacker, but I can still outrun him." Damon grinned and stepped closer to Maria. The distance between him and her was now almost politically unacceptable. The other reporters shouted questions, but he had focused on her. Damn him. She had fought too hard for the right to be in this locker room. And she wanted his respect. Again, Jeff Samuels offered the towel. Damon brushed it away.

"Dynamite, I have one more question," Maria shouted, being careful not to get any closer.

"OK," Damon chuckled, thinking this chick must have some rather large cojones.

"Your momma said that you could go 10 and long anytime." Maria stated, looking directly in his eyes. "Your momma lied. It looks more like six to me." Laughter erupted around the room. Damon's cockiness disappeared along with the rigidity of his male member. With a white towel now covering his body, he ended his interview in a surly mood. The reporters moved on to the other players. Jeff's eyes were moist with laughter, but he thought he saw Maria Hamilton, the female reporter, shoot him a grateful look.

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